+86 10 61705205



The MKS-800A is ideal for heavy-dut東劇y operations that need high capacity 舊到and continuous particle filter mon數答itoring. Incorporating microprocessor t錯喝echnology, an easy-to-read graphical些用 LED filter condition monitor chan去嗎ges . Additionally, flow sensors inc新街rease power to the motor as子個 filters become blocked t友章o assure peak performance. The filter m厭章onitoring system self calibrates usin術老g a membrane keypad on the fr拍服ont panel and an audible喝體 alarm alerts the operator wh哥來en a filter change is re花國quired. A three-position motor 東知speed button is also on the front panel些美. A wide variety of collection ac拍物cessory options and filters are ava生短ilable.

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