+86 10 61705205



HDE-2D Heavy Duty Station
The HDE station is the mo但湖st powerful soldering unit of th人件e JBC range.
It works with the JBC Most Eff年樂icient Soldering System and the哥學 intelligent Sleep &遠外 Hibernation modes.
This station comes with the上能 comfortable T470-FA Handle 開木and it is only compatible兵從 with C470 Cartridges.
It is also available a Heavy 輛見Duty Tweezers Set KHT470A that provide厭術s twice the power of the T470 Handle (i草土t requires 2 HDE-U C資見ontrol Units).
As all the JBC Stations, the HDE has 資謝a menu with more than 10 微笑parameters to customize 草快the control unit.

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