PTS-300 Thermal Wire Stripper 地她is a low power line operated tool, whi化離ch far surpasses all previous devices i船志n safety, versatility,家校 speed, and economy. The patented de得請sign incorporates a unique體花ly shaped Nichrome heat錯舞ing element, which heats up qui師女ckly up to 1,700 deg. 低近F and it will efficiently strip m道訊edium to High-Temperature i劇就nsulation from solid, 低在stranded, or shielded wires in the r跳也ange of #16- 30 AWG.
The extremely thin heating elem跳醫ent produces negligible amount of fumes雜農 and therefore the use of these員睡 strippers does not require s飛作pecial ventilation. The fumes produ上民ced be thick element designed tools&nb們動sp; should be exhausted.
The low mass, guarded element design船她 minimizes the risk 的公of burns, eliminates亮件 nicks and broken st是南rands of conductors 理對and reduces lead pull on s唱年ensitive components.
The element design features匠子 two sections. Ringing section 時商(a heated section where th事電e insulation is thermall靜兵y separated) and pulling sectio白你n where the thermally sepa區玩rated insulation slug is 問相wedged between two p刀笑arallel edges of the 北自stripping element for an easy remova頻窗l. Adjustable gage s亮朋elector will block the呢雪 entrance of the wedged conductor to身城 the next and smaller opening th慢區us preventing any scrap算子ing of the conductor歌木. Although this section of the微熱 element also carries會線 the current which heat術光s the separating section, it is not 內商annealed (due to its greate慢錯r widths and much lower resistance) an相雜d therefore it retains its har器木d temper. In addition, the男紙se edges are supported by 來花.025″ thick, hard temper element su動了pport. This will allow 中些pulling a slug as long as 12″ 土信without damaging the element o兵電r conductor. Please note車業 that wires # 24-30 AWG are吧大 stripped directly at the heat土做ed end of the stripping elemen舞友t. The friction of small gauge wires a妹事gainst the insulatio物購n is low so there is no dan好員ger to damage the element whi如南le pulling off the slug件頻.
The stripping element is only .010″ t為河hick (.008″ PTS-10) and ther舞線efore the thermally cut g男時roove width is much narrower than the 木一two element models offered by other水花 manufacturers. This low 空呢mass thermal stripping t民多echnology means less power, fa志如ster heating time, sho現購rter cooling time, less fumes and 嗎姐higher quality strip. Th睡能e longevity of the element人喝 is also greatly extended because t費弟he annealed portion of the element舞店 is used mainly for ringing (sep數玩arating) the insulation 筆光rather than pulling off the slug.
Of course, there are n的黃o nicks because of the round船生ed edges of the stripping e現樹lement. The heated sectio子票n of the element is also prote廠化cted by an element guard, thus re新見ducing the risk of burns. Th村北e segmented design of the stud服空s helps dissipate heat thus r玩筆educing the risk of burns even in pro化醫longed use. The weight of the PTS-3 st我作ripping head is less than 5 oz. (0.150 人公kg.). There are also other unp地嗎recedented design features such as gaug這妹e selector, flicker accessor妹都y etc. not available on a火答ny other currently available tools. Pa金遠tco Thermal Strippers also cost嗎讀 less than competitive models.