PTS-300 Thermal Wire Stripper 愛問is a low power line operated t人就ool, which far surpasses all previous中船 devices in safety, ve哥道rsatility, speed, and economy. The pa子見tented design incorpora行湖tes a uniquely shaped銀分 Nichrome heating elem愛黃ent, which heats up quickly up to 1,700術來 deg. F and it will efficiently stri員數p medium to High-Temperat美微ure insulation from solid和子, stranded, or shielded wires in the習低 range of #16- 30 AWG.
The extremely thin heating element 離用produces negligible amount o兵得f fumes and there資子fore the use of these strippers does 森場not require special ventilation. The作水 fumes produced be thick el愛路ement designed tools shou章中ld be exhausted.
The low mass, guarded element design m藍東inimizes the risk of burn劇開s, eliminates nicks and b姐說roken strands of conductors and reduce都很s lead pull on sensitive co物中mponents.
The element design features two se雨雪ctions. Ringing section (a heat服物ed section where the insulation is the樹黃rmally separated) and pul吃身ling section where t跳匠he thermally separated insulation sl算會ug is wedged between two paralle秒冷l edges of the stripping element f文路or an easy removal. Adjustable gag師媽e selector will block the ent又又rance of the wedged conductor to 雨水the next and smaller opening飛你 thus preventing any scraping of the c農土onductor. Although this section of件妹 the element also carries the c什機urrent which heats the separating sec就鐘tion, it is not annealed 紙去(due to its greater widths and mu老門ch lower resistance) and therefore it r鐘短etains its hard temper. In addit房器ion, these edges are supported by腦務 .025″ thick, hard temper eleme藍短nt support. This will離內 allow pulling a slug a刀動s long as 12″ without damagi船都ng the element or con也的ductor. Please note that wires # 24-3動黑0 AWG are stripped directly at雪著 the heated end of the stripping 做木element. The friction of small gauge你個 wires against the insulation is鐵舊 low so there is no danger to damage自謝 the element while pullin草工g off the slug.
The stripping element is only .010″ 著林thick (.008″ PTS-10) 要理and therefore the therma件間lly cut groove width is much narrower 得草than the two element models offered北黃 by other manufacturers司新. This low mass thermal stripping tech老樹nology means less power,用火 faster heating time, shorter c空現ooling time, less fumes and hig錯匠her quality strip. The longevity of謝又 the element is also坐家 greatly extended because the annealed 章大portion of the element關短 is used mainly for ri綠刀nging (separating) the insulation慢件 rather than pulling o對弟ff the slug.
Of course, there are謝秒 no nicks because of the rounded車店 edges of the stripping elemen嗎視t. The heated section of the elem海自ent is also protected b黃東y an element guard, thus reducing 兵子the risk of burns. The s我外egmented design of the studs helps 房拿dissipate heat thus re理高ducing the risk of burns even in prolo站林nged use. The weight of the 在哥PTS-3 stripping head is less than業錯 5 oz. (0.150 kg.). There are 日河also other unpreceden媽師ted design features such as gauge s影月elector, flicker acces山校sory etc. not available on any other高會 currently available t可看ools. Patco Thermal Strippers also c我市ost less than compet男什itive models.