+86 10 61705205



PTS-40 Thermal Wire Stripper 路花is battery powered tool, which 冷街far surpasses all previou校拍s devices in safety, versatility, spe短弟ed, and economy. 
The extremely thin heating e坐他lement produces negligib什舊le amount of fumes and therefo還作re the use of these strippe近些rs does not require special能吃 ventilation. The fumes produced by議務 thick element designed tools shou大就ld be exhausted.
The element design features t老爸wo sections. Ringing 銀頻section (a heated section鐘場 where the insulation is t歌會hermally separated) an很外d pulling section whe刀笑re the thermally sep間呢arated insulation slug 站商is wedged between two p些市arallel edges of the strippi睡看ng element for an easy兵場 removal. Adjustable gauge selec林化tor will block the entra通秒nce of the wedged con能報ductor to the next and small她森er opening thus preventing any scr視相aping of the conductor. Althou章樹gh this section of the element道草 also carries the current通門 which heats the grooving secti錯吃on, it is not anneale弟畫d (due to its greater widt線放hs and therefore much lower resist內行ance) and it retains its hard t分看emper. In addition, these edges a窗相re also supported by .025″ th喝關ick, hard temper element support. This 呢短will allow pulling a sl刀問ug as long as 12″ without空站 damaging the element. Please note that視外 conductors # 24-30 AWG姐時 are stripped directly at the h坐藍eated end of the strippin雨員g element. The inner surface ar草低ea of these wires ag廠微ainst the insulation is very small短不 so there is no danger to damage th哥嗎e element while pulling off the slu快器g. The stripping elem窗北ent is only .010″ thick (.008知來″ PTS-10) and therefore the therma海銀lly cut groove width is much narrower 師煙than the two element mode雨從ls offered by other manufacturer西金s. This low mass thermal strippin熱門g technology means less power, faster h銀唱eating time, shorter cooling time fewer理購 fumes and higher qual務亮ity strip. The longevity of the el器知ement is also greatly extended because男在 the annealed portion of the ele飛紙ment is used mainly for ringi多相ng (separating) the insulation rath議了er than pulling off th女和e slug.
Of course, there are n亮道o nicks because of th些答e rounded edges of the分資 stripping element. The heate呢多d section of the element is also秒亮 protected by an elemen船友t guard, thus reducing the空讀 risk of burns. The segmented design of人來 the studs helps dissip冷司ate heat thus reducing t爸市he risk of burns even in prolonged us用鐘e. The weight of the 遠愛PTS-30 tool is 14oz. (0.4 kg.) and t事東he weight of the PTS時外-3 adjustable temperature model視理 is 5.2 oz. (0.150 kg.).
The flicker accessory i火笑s provided to flick off the sometimes w街愛edged in insulation sl醫校ug for continuous and u厭跳ninterrupted stripping.
Each model is equipped with diff藍答erent element mounting hardware whic見了h must be assembled in a ce服麗rtain order otherwise the to亮睡ol will not work properly. Plea我司se carefully observe clo裡身se-up pictures of the中妹 5 available models to see 開子the difference in el話地ement mounting hardware. It is not econ刀弟omical to keep switching elements and 都林hardware designed for other m問區odels in order to extend the女船 wire stripping range of a single t相東ool.
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